Monday, December 8, 2014

Google Play Services 6.5

Google Play services 6.5 includes new features in Google Maps, Google Drive and Google Wallet as well as the recently launched Google Fit API. Also providing developers with more granular control over which Google Play services APIs your app depends on to help you maintain a lean app.

Google Developer content is now available offline

The Google Developer Platform team recently commenced a program to make a subset of the resources available offline to developers who, because of limited or no broadband, had previously been unable to access them. The kits include the latest and greatest content on it such as videos, documentation and SDKs.

Find out more:

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

AdMob Interstitials Best Practices

You can grow your mobile app revenue with high-paying AdMob interstitial ads. Implementing these ads in the right way is better for your users and for you. AdMob poiicies are designed to create a positive user experience, so watch this official video to be sure you're doing it right.